GMPOA Committees and Duties
Road Maintenance Committee
Members: Ean Kennedy, chair; Bruce Koerner, Mike Hansen, Chris Trussell, and Heather Brenner
- Monitors the overall road condition, including cattle guards and culverts. Prioritizes and makes recommendations to the board as required for annual road work, emergency repairs, and long term improvements.
- Works with landowners, venders, and volunteers to remove trees and brush within the confines of the road easement in order to maintain visibility on corners and safe passage for EMS traffic (primarily fire fighters). (Note: this task also appears in Fire Mitigation)
- Coordinates with Powell County Road Department re maintaining Hoover Creek Road (Jens exit to GMPOA boundary).
- Interviews and makes recommendations to the board re selecting new/additional vendors.
- Monitors the work of all vendors to ensure satisfactory performance.
- Coordinates with other board members and land owners as required in order to organize volunteer work.
- Prepares reports as required of accomplishments for the board and distribution to land owners as required.
Noxious Weed Committee
Members: Virginia Causey, George Tague, and Mike Hansen
- Works with Powell County Weed Coordinator and others as required in order to secure grant money, acquire and distribute educational materials, and purchase herbicide and biological controls.
- Maintains and distributes an appropriate selection of herbicide and spray equipment as required.
- Organizes volunteers to spray areas adjacent to GMPOA easement roads as required.
- Prepares annual and other reports for the board, website, and landowners.
Fire Mitigation Committee
Members: Ean Kennedy and Bruce Koerner
- Works with landowners, venders, and volunteers to remove trees and brush within the confines of the road easement in order to maintain visibility on corners and safe passage for EMS traffic (primarily fire fighters). (Note: this task also appears in Road Maintenance)
- Works with various government and other agencies to provide landowners with information regarding wildland fire mitigation, maintaining forest health, cost share programs, and other pertinent subjects.
- Services and positions the fire trailer for landowner use.
Grazing Lease Committee
Members: President, Vice-President, Administrator, and Treasurer
Organizes and performs all tasks necessary to maintain a good working relationship with the Mannix/Henault group. This includes negotiation of the grazing lease and performing tasks associated with the management of the livestock when in the GMPOA area. This may include but not be limited to:
- Assists the lessee in maintaining the integrity of the GMPOA perimeter fence. This may include actual fence repair, removal of dead or down trees, regular inspection, or other activities as required.
- Assists the lessee in gathering, accounting for, and removal of livestock from the GMPOA area in the fall.
- Provides information to all GMPOA landowners regarding the history and importance of the grazing lease, important contacts re livestock issues, and other information as required.
Hospitality Committee
Members: Geneva Hollis and Virginia Causey
Organizes and secures food and infrastructure for the annual meeting and barbecue and for other social events sponsored by the GMPOA.